[tabby title="ae_xEnsemble"]


AuthorArne Eigenfeldt
DescriptionA complete ensemble: xDrumBOT, xBassBOT, xChordBOT, xPadBOT, xPercBOT, xProducerBOT. The latter generates a form, and turns the other bots on and off.
Messages Sent
@density – (xProducerBOT)
@section- (xProducerBOT) A,B,C,D,E
@progress- (xProducerBOT) through the current section (0.-1.)
@subpattern – (xProducerBOT) a way to subdivide eight-bar patterns (i.e. aabaaabc)
@initialize – (xProducerBOT) (1)
@onoff- (xProducerBOT) (0,1)
@phraselength – (xProducerBOT) number of measures in section
@exiting – (xProducerBOT) to let other ensemble members know it’s time to quit
Messages Received
[tabby title="ae_TangerineDreamBOT"]


AuthorArne Eigenfeldt
DescriptionA self-contained bot that generates complete Tangerine Dream-like tunes (albeit with somewhat more jazzy harmony). Generates drums, sequencer, bass, melody, and a harmonic pad.
Messages Sent
@notepool – current pitches used
@hdensity – relative density of possible onsets per measure
@progress – percentile through the phrase
@phraselength – number of measures per phrase
Messages Received
@phraselength – will adjust its own phraselength to match
@phrases – will adjust its own # of phrases to match
@tala – will adjust its meter to match # of 16ths