[tabby title="ae_RSynthBOT"]


AuthorArne Eigenfeldt
DescriptionA smart synth bot that generates a rhythmic monophonic synth part using a corpus of 50 Breaks tracks.
Messages Sent
@notepool – pitches used by all synths in current measure
@hdensity – percentile of possible onsets
@vdensity – percentile of possible active voices
@tala – additive rhythm of 2 & 3 sixteenths
@phraselength – # of measures in phrases
@exiting – when it finishes its form, it will exit in the next phrase, and send this message.
Messages Received
@tala – will generate its own at load, but incoming tala will replace it
@phraselength – will generate its own at load, but incoming value will replace it
@phrases – number of phrases in form: will generate its own, but will converge on received phrases
@plan/chordDuration – will generate its own, but incoming plan will replace
@plan/chords – will generate its own, but incoming plan will replace
@exiting – will exit when other bots send this message